Welcome to Diamond D’s Softball Club.

I hope you are excited to have your daughter become part of this elite softball club. Our goal is to build great softball players but more importantly we aim to build responsible young women who have a love and respect for themselves, their teammates, their coaches and their community. This club focuses on both the game and the girl. Great teams work well together on and off the field and that is what we do in Diamond D’s.

I ‘d like to share with you a little bit about the Diamond D program, what you can expect from us and what we need from you as parents/guardians.

We are a competitive club that participates at a higher level of softball. What does this mean? It means that this is not a recreational organization where everyone gets to play in every game. In competitive softball, just like in life, you earn your position, you earn your right to play and once you are in there, you can get knocked out by someone who has better skills at any time. There are no participation ribbons.

That being said, we work hard to teach our athletes good sportsmanship, kindness, teamwork, respect, and more, all while building upon the fundamental skills of the game. Our club and our coaches are committed to serving you and your girls.

While we welcome all girls who want to play, our club is ultimately meant to feed into the Dixie High School Softball program. Because of that, we have the privilege of using their fields and lights for practices. As such, we may be asked to assist in helping with events at the high school softball fields on occasion. Using their fields helps to keep the cost of playing down.

Diamond D’s consists of several teams at different age levels. We currently have 12U, 14U, 16U and 18U teams. Each team has their own coaching staff and parent board. We encourage you to participate on the parent board. There is always a position available to those who want to become involved.

As it is with all “club” teams, there is a cost involved. We need to pay coaches, tournament fees, organization fees, insurance, equipment, etc. We take all these costs seriously and do everything we can to minimize expenses. You will have a monthly team fee and tournament fees. We are constantly looking for businesses to sponsor the team and are always working on fundraising (details to come). Each team has different financial obligations and works directly with the Diamond D Exec. treasurer.

What you and your athlete can expect from the Diamond D’s:

  • Club level play
  • Organized practices
  • Opportunity to play travel ball
  • Fundraising Opportunities
  • Mentorship and Coaching
  • Encouragement
  • A team of like minded peers
What we expect from you:
  • Respect for the coaching staff
  • Communication happens off field
  • Do not approach coaches during practices
  • Do not approach coaches during a game
  • On time payment of monthly team fees
  • Dedicated athlete on time to all practices
  • Commitment
  • Willingness to participate in fundraising and seeking out sponsorships

Here’s the bottom line…we want this to be a positive experience for everyone, especially your girls. There are a lot of us who volunteer our time to make this happen. We hope that you will enjoy your time with this ball club.

Your Team Parent Board consists of a Team Parent, Treasurer, D’s House Manager, Sponsor/Fundraiser Chair, Game Changer, Meevo, Social Media, Hotel Coordinator, Etc.

Things to looks forward to: Dixie High School Games, Diamond D Spring Retreat, Dixie Derby, Flyer Fire Up Tournaments, And More!

Jeff & Malia Mullins
(435) 574-7790