Thank you for considering sponsoring the Dixie Angels!

About Dixie Angels

Our softball program has teams and girls competing year-round. Our goal is to provide these girls the opportunity to learn the skills necessary to play at a competitive level and assist them to develop their game well enough to help contribute to furthering their education in future years. This helps to develop responsible, hardworking young women that will be able to contribute to our communities. Our program also hosts tournaments, leagues, and games at the Dixie High School Softball Diamonds. Hosting these events brings thousands of people to our area and in turn boosts our local economy and benefits many local businesses such as yours.

To have a successful program, field, facilities, and equipment must be maintained. Other costs include uniforms, practice and training equipment, tournament entry fees, coaches and so much more. We hope you will consider this opportunity to help some of our local kids reach their goals and possibly receive extra advertisement for your business through sponsorship.

Good Sportsmanship

Learning good sportsmanship promotes positive character development, resilience, performance enhancement, and relationship building.


Kindness promotes positive relationships, boosts morale, and fosters a supportive and productive environment.


Teamwork is essential because it promotes collaboration, maximizes individual strengths, and leads to overall better performance and success.


Respect helps our teams by fostering a positive environment, promoting open communication, and enhancing trust and cooperation between team members.

Benefits to sponsoring the Dixie Angels, include:

  • Increased Brand Awareness: Sponsoring the Dixie Angels softball club can help increase your brand awareness in our community. Your company’s logo can be prominently displayed on team uniforms, banners, and other promotional materials, increasing visibility and recognition among potential customers.
  • Positive Public Relations: Partnering with youth sports is a great way for your company to enhance its public image and build positive relationships with our community. By supporting our local teams, your business will demonstrate their commitment to improving the lives of young people and promoting a healthy lifestyle.
  • Increased Employee Morale: Employees of a companies that sponsors youth sports in their community will feel proud and motivated to work for an organization that cares about the local community.
  • Targeted Marketing: By sponsoring youth sports, companies can target specific demographics within our community, such as families with children in all age groups, grandparents and more. This can be a highly effective way to reach potential customers and build brand loyalty.
  • Cost-Effective Advertising: Supporting the Dixie Angels is a cost-effective form of advertising, as the cost of sponsorship is often much lower than other forms of traditional advertising, such as TV, radio or print ads.
  • Community Engagement: Your business can become more engaged with the local community, build relationships with families, and contribute to the growth and development of the community.

In addition, youth sports provide many individual and team benefits for athletes.

  • Cooperation: Playing on a team requires children to work together and cooperate with others towards a common goal.
  • Physical health: Regular participation in sports can help children maintain a healthy weight, improve their cardiovascular health, and build stronger muscles and bones.
  • Communication: Team sports can improve children's communication skills as they learn to listen to and respond to their teammates and coaches.
  • Mental health: Engaging in sports can reduce stress, anxiety, and depression, and improve overall mental well-being.
  • Sportsmanship: Learning to play sports with integrity and respect for others is an important aspect of youth sports, and can help children develop positive values and ethics.
  • Skill development: Youth sports can help children develop important physical skills such as coordination, balance, and agility, as well as social and emotional skills such as communication, teamwork, and leadership.
  • Friendship: Youth sports can provide children with opportunities to build strong friendships and develop a sense of belonging to a community.
  • Confidence: As children improve their physical and social skills, they can develop greater self-confidence and self-esteem.
  • Goal-setting: Setting and achieving goals in sports can help children develop a sense of accomplishment and motivate them to pursue other goals in life.
  • Fun: Above all, youth sports should be enjoyable for children, and playing on a team can provide a fun and engaging experience that helps children stay active and healthy.

Sponsorship Levels

Up to $249

12 Month sponsorship

Singles can go a long way, the more we string together, the more we all win.

$250 - $499

12 Month sponsorship

3'x 2' logo sign on dugout fence

Home Run
$500 - $999

12 Month sponsorship

8'x 4' Banner on main outfield fence
Your logo on the Dixie Angels site

Grand Slam

12 Month sponsorship

8'x 4' Banner on both outfield fences
Logo on the Dixie Angels site

Thank you for considering our program. Businesses like yours help young athletes pursue their dreams. We are a non-profit group. If you would like to donate, please use the following form.

If you would like to sponsor an individual or team, please donate through the team and player pages in the Teams menu above.


If you have any questions please contact us.


St. George, UT 84770


(435) 215-3394

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